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Drupal 8/9/10: Adding CSS body classes based on the current user's roles

Learn how to add custom body classes so your CSS can target specific Drupal user roles

HTML source code of a random page.


Sometimes it's useful to add body classes based on the current Drupal user's roles.

This article shows how to do this by adding or modifying a template_preprocess_html() implementation in your .theme or .module file. No twig modifications required.

Step 1: implement template_preprocess_html()

In your theme'sMYTHEME.theme file or your module's MYMODULE.module file, add the following preprocess function.

Be sure to replace 'MYTHEME' or 'MYMODULE' with the name of your theme or module.

 * Implements template_preprocess_html().
function MYTHEME_preprocess_html(&$variables) {
  $roles = \Drupal::currentUser()->getRoles();
  foreach ($roles as $role) {
    $variables['attributes']['class'][] = "role-{$role}";

Assuming the current user has the administrator role, the body classes for each of the pages this user loads will now also contain:


Step 2: add styles

You can now add styles targeted at specific user roles.

We use this technique to render administrative or debug-related styles that only specific roles can see.

One interesting use is highlighting all images with missing or empty alternative text descriptions:

.role-administrator img:not[alt],
.role-administrator img[alt=""] 
  border: solid red 2px;

Further reading